Saturday, June 4, 2011

why we need bees: Every third bite of food you take, thank a bee or other pollinator.

Many people think of bees simply as a summertime nusance, but these small hard working insects aculally make it posible for many of your favoret food to reach your table. from apple to almonds to the pumkin in our pumkin pies, we have bees to thiank. conditions known as Colony Collapse disorder is cousing bee populations to plummet, which means these foods are also at risk. In United States along, more than 25 % of the managed honey bee populations to disappeared since 1990.

Bees are one of a myriad of other animals, including birds, bats, beetles, and butterflies, called pollinators tsansfer pollen and seeds from one flower to another, fertilizing the plant so it can gorw and produce food. cross pollination helps a least 30% of the worlds crops and 90% of our wild plants to thrive. with out bees to spread seeds, many plants including food crops would die off....

More than $15 billion a year in U.S crops are pollinated by bees, including apples, berries, cantaloups, cucumbers, alfalfa and almonds. U.S honey bees also produce about $150 million in honey annually. keeping bee poppulations safe is critical for keeping american tables stocked with high quality produce an our agriculture sector running smoothly..

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